Cooking: Indian Curry


Gaze upon it’s spicy glory! I’m drooling just looking at this picture. I cheated in making this though 😀

1) Get Indian curry paste (this is the cheat) from NTUC Fairprice (about $2)

2) Marinate 300~400g of chicken overnight. I do this so the chicken is full of flavour when cooked. I pay about $5 for 400g of chicken breast/fillet.

3) Potatoes~! A full kilogram of fancy washed new potatoes in nice plastic packaging cost $2.50. I threw in about half a kilogram, boiled for 15 mins in salt then quartered them with the skin on. I hear most of the nutrients are in the skin, so I scrubbed the potatoes with a brush under water before boiling them.

4) Follow instructions TO A POINT. Customise whenever you feel it’s right.

5) Add the coconut milk (90 cents) as instructed. You don’t have to put in the exact amount though. Of course, be reasonable with the cutback – weak tasting curry is akin to watered down sludge. I exaggerate but curry-lovers may agree with me on this point.

I made this curry here have more KICK. How?

While the chicken was simmering, I tossed in a spoon-gouge of butter. When I added the coconut milk to the paste-chicken-potato mix and sampled it, I found it wasn’t spicy enough for my tastes. A healthy dollop of Korean chili paste remedied that. While putting the chili paste back into the fridge, the Chinese Oyster sauce caught my eye. Why not? One bottle bottom-whack in the pot for flavour.

Bubble bubble, toil and trouble… *cackle*

The curry turned out DELICIOUS~! It was enough for 4 and a half portions (I had it for two dinners with my husband and one meal for my lunch). This is very worth making if you don’t have a lot of time during the week. Cook something huge and it can last for up to 3 days.

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